I know I haven't posted in a while, and in my defense the interwebs was holding out on the proper pictures for some of the cards for me to do this review. So anyway, here's some of what's in store in
the upcoming M13 core set.
Odric is definitely a worthwhile legend in my book, and while he may not be the most stellar commander ever his ability is extremely useful in the right decks. I can see him commanding a deck of his own or as a one-of in Ghave or Rith for example and he pairs really well with Vault of the Archangel.

Talrand is a very "build around me" kind of card. He has great synergy with flashback spells and spells with rebound and the tokens coming with built in evasion is a plus, though I have to say that he doesn't interest me that much. I'm interested to see if he sees any play either in standard or in EDH. As it stands I'm not sure that he packs enough of a punch for either format unless he turns out to be a combo piece or something and even that seems unlikely to me.
Supposedly the replacement for Grave Titan in standard, though as a friend of mine would say, my reaction to this card initially was angry confusion since I was pretty sure that Exalted was a mechanic for Bant yet here we see Nefarox with it. He will probably see some play in standard but I don't expect him to make any big splashes in the EDH scene. He might have a place in a Thaximundar deck though.
Very reminiscent of
Chancellor of the Forge except with a more narrow application in that it requires Goblins rather than just creatures like the chancellor. It should see some play in goblin tribal I suppose but I'm not terribly excited; though I guess I should say that I've not been much of a fan of the goblin tribe anyway.
Fun tidbit: Krenko is apparently from Ravnica.
Another inhabitant of Ravnica, Yeva is pretty useful in my book though you might have to build around her if you use her in a multicolored deck. She's no powerhouse like Zur but she interests me enough to build a deck at least. Flash >>> No Flash. ;-)
I suppose some people might prefer to just use Alchemists Refuge should they be in the right colors to do so. Though what Yeva has over Alchemist's Refuge and Winding Canyons is that her ability is static and free once she's on the board.
Other Stuff:
Pretty much a staple for my Rafiq deck and I think this should see tons of play in any deck that looks to abuse the Exalted mechanic.
Another great card that is definitely finding a slot in Rafiq. Sakura-Tribe Elder now has Exalted too? Yes please! xD
Featured here because I felt like I had to say that this is most likely going to be banned in EDH. Its reminiscent of
Sway of the Stars which is also banned so...
Interesting card which could be best friends with
Swiftfoot Boots and
Darksteel Plate for example. I think its a great addition to any of the fortress decks out there.
That's it for today, and I think that M13 is turning out to be one of the best core sets in the history of core sets though time will tell I guess. Hope you guys and gals out there are enjoying this spoiler season.
Thank you for reading, 'till next time.