Tuesday, 21 August 2012

My Apologies

Just wanted to apologize for the lack of content lately as I can't seem to tear myself away from World of Warcraft (which I've recently started playing).

At this point I have to say that, sadly, I'm lacking the interest to continue my YotD series of decklists and it will have to be either postponed or cancelled until further notice.

On a positive note though, I still have full intentions of doing a spoiler and review post for RTR when it is completely spoiled though the review probably won't be too in depth. I'll most likely just cover the legends and any other potential EDH bombs that I see.

On another positive note, Rogues in WoW are completely broken and I'm having a blast sneaking up behind people unseen then stunlocking and doing massive damage before they can even respond. I hear Death Knights are also pretty OP and will have to get around to making one perhaps when I'm bored of my rouge.

Some of you out there may see this as adultery but I will remind you that the holy trinity of geekdom is MtG, WoW and D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) which I would like to play but have been unable to get enough people who are interested. It is also worth mentioning that my friends and I who were interested are all complete newbies to D&D and it would probably help if we had someone more experienced to guide us. Anyway I'm babbling at this point.

Bottom line: RTR Spoilers & Review - Coming soon to an academy near you! ;-)

Stay tuned and stay cool!

Thanks for reading, 'till next time.


  1. I do this all the time. As intrest in one game grows, my commitments to others lessen. It all comes back around though.

    Holy Trinity, DnD 3.5 was amazing and has been continued in a product called pathfinder. I would strongly recommend playing it. If you are in the San Jose area Id love to join your group.

    I also have been playing alot of wow, prior to this month at least. Do you play horde or alliance? What server are you on?

    1. I live in Barbados so might be a while before we play D&D =)

      I play both factions, though lately I've really only been playing as my Gnome Rogue and I'm playing on Eternal-WoW server.

    2. Well it was worth a shot. It's interesting how I keep accidentlyrunning into people I meet online first.

      I play on llane. Alliance side. Perhaps we can do some cross realm grouping if/when I get back to playing.
