Most of the time this is just going to target three cards in my graveyard so its not a complete waste when it dies, it can also be used to help abuse ETB effects. Although this should rarely be used as removal, its nice to have that option for desperate times.
Could be broken if you find something to repeatedly blink this card in and out of play. Deadeye Nav... Nevermind nothing to see here! xD
Good card all in all, should definitely see some play
They knocked the ball outta the park with this one. 10/10. I'm impressed. This is probably the best permanent card that hoses graveyards to date, much better than Leyline of the Void or Grafdigger's Cage though the Cage is useful in other ways.
Needless to say, this should be part of a package rather than standalone GY hate as there is such a thing as removal. =)
Already a staple, and should see tons of play.
Not as widely playable as the former two cards but definitely useful in the decks that can make use of it the most.
I'm going to try to find a slot for this in my Bruna list. It should be right at home there.
Not taking into account its playability, this card is a 7/10. Since even in the decks that can use it, it would be a tad difficult to really make it worthwhile and this makes you want to play all of your enchantments, possibly overextending into a Fracturing Gust or Austere Command. If your general is Bruna and/or you have a Replenish/Faith's Reward handy, it should be ok though.
One-sided board wipe at instant speed? I'd happily pay 7CMC for that. Shut up and take my money wizards!
Doesn't permanently get rid of pesky permanents, but its good enough. 9/10

Interesting tech, I can see that Ghave has been getting a lot of love since Innistrad's release. Playing this will instantly make you the target of the table though since no sensible opponent is going to sit there while you gradually suck up all the creatures on the board.
Nice card, 8/10 for Ghave. 7/10 for everything else.
Fleshbag Marauder had a brother?
This is a must run for Ghave decks. 9/10.

Basically a Time Stop reprint, though it gets the job done in a different way and is slightly more efficient. 10/10

Nice tech for any deck using the new Rakdos, however I can see that it can potentially backfire. I can't rate this one until I've played a few games with it but if all goes well it should be really broken.
Staple. Nothing to see here.
Thats it for my RTR spoilers and review, next up should be either a Momir Vig or Rakdos, Lord of Riots deck. Whichever I feel more inspired to do. Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing and if you have any input or differing points of view then please leave a comment!
Thanks for reading, 'till next time.
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