As I said earlier most of our vampires seem to have a thing for dealing combat damage to players, so why not double (or possibly triple) their output by adding Rakish Heir and Curse of Stalked Prey? Also, since our vampires need to do damage to players before we start getting any value out of them, we're going to need plenty of ways to mow down any blockers that might hinder us, so we'll add Brimstone Volley, Thunderbolt, and Tribute to Hunger. Brimstone Volley's morbid trigger might seem a bit unreliable but even three damage should be enough to clear away blockers in the early game and thats where this deck looks to set the pace. The fact that it is possibly good in the late game as well is just gravy.
One last thing we'll do is add a few Reforge the Souls to prevent us from running out of gas and we're done.
Creature: 21
3 x Falkenrath Marauders
4 x Markov Blademaster
2 x Olivia Voldaren
4 x Rakish Heir
4 x Stromkirk Captain
4 x Stromkirk Noble
Enchantment: 3
3 x Curse of Stalked Prey
Instant: 10
4 x Brimstone Volley
4 x Thunderbolt
2 x Tribute to Hunger
Sorcery: 3
3 x Reforge the Soul
+ 23 Land
Thats it for our look at the B/R Vampires of Innistrad, next up is (ugh) the R/G Werewolves.
Any suggestions or cool tech, please leave a comment! =)
Thank you for reading, 'till next time.
Cool looking list, but I'd love to see a couple of Bloodline Keepers in there.
DeleteI had considered Bloodline Keeper but I wasn't sure if having five vamps on the field was a condition that I could consistently meet, so I ended up leaving it out. Though, I suppose it couldn't hurt to give it a try. =)
I could probably cut one of the Marauders and something else to fit a couple in. I'm not sure what else I'd cut yet though. ^.^
True enough, that Bloodline Keeper does draw removal like crazy, but in this deck, I think your opponent has one turn, two at the most to answer it before he flips. I've managed to flip Keeper every single time I've cast him - IN EDH, no less!
DeleteOddly, I think he's good tech AGAINST Wrath/Damnation effects. Strategically, he's a one-card Wrath magnet. If you suspect your opponent is carrying some mass removal, just drop the Keeper and let him bait out that Wrath by himself, keeping all your other dudes back for a post-Wrath swarm. Your opponent isn't going to WANT to make his Wrath a 1-for-1 trade, but trust me, he'll have to eventually!
On the other hand, I will concede that I'm utterly biased, because I just think the card is too damn cool to objectively rate his power level.
Interesting use for it, I hadn't considered him for baiting out mass removal, though you have a point.
DeleteAs for bias, we all have a little sometimes. I refuse to acknowledge that Blightsteel Colossus is better than his Darksteel cousin for example. So no worries =)
I looked over the deck and figured that for a fast paced deck like this, I probably don't need 3 Marauders at 5cc but I don't want to cut them completely so I would cut one of them and since Bloodline keeper has a similar effect to Stromkirk Captain once flipped I could probably cut one of them as well. Though I guess time will tell if two keepers is enough or if I'll need to add one more.
For your sake they better perform! *shakes fist* ;-)