Well, this one isn't anything especially new as its been spoiled for awhile and we all should be aware of the Avenger of Zendikar/Prime Time sillyness that it is capable of. Though it should be said that this card has a lot more potential for shenanigans than just Avenger/Prime Time. It should make for a decent commander or maybe even as a one of in the right decks. I'm thinking that he fits right in with Animar and Riku. Cascade two free spells and copy each one? Yes please!

Supposedly difficult to cast but with green being a popular color in a lot of multicolor EDH decks these days, and color fixing getting easier, its really not out of the realm of possibility to run this guy outside of just G/W. At least, in my opinion. Anyway, I'm a sad panda that this guy isn't part blue since I would've loved to do some shenanigans with Sovereigns of Lost Alara. (Though I feel I should point out that if you have an unenchanted Krond and a Sovereigns on the field and you attack with Krond then the enchantment from Sovereigns doesn't hit the field in time for Krond's ability to trigger. So maybe its just as well that he isn't blue.) Having said that, I'm still interested to see how a deck with this guy at the helm would do. He's a StP on a stick (even better actually...), which is pretty good, though he dies to pretty much any removal, but thats where the enchantments come in I suppose. He is also a pretty hilarious target for Take Possession and the like.

Neat synergy with pretty much any blink tech out there. I can see a kind of token strategy going for her and I would definitely play her with Portcullis, Deadeye Navigator, and maybe even Pentavus, and abuse the shit out of her LtB ability. Speaking of Portcullis, combine with Bloodline Keeper and Intruder Alarm while Vela is on the field and hilarity ensues!
Oh, and Intimidate gravy is gravy. ;-)
That's all the spoilers for now, there are a couple other creatures spoiled but the images are horrible so I'm going to wait until better images surface before I get to reviewing them.
Hope all you guys are enjoying this spoiler season! Stay tuned for Part 2!
Thank you for reading, 'till next time.
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