Two other great spirits to add are Mindshrieker and Spectral Rider. Mindshrieker can go off multiple times in a turn for some potentially impressive boosts and already has evasion so what's not to like?
Now we have our beatsticks out of the way, and since we're in some very controlling colors, we'll add some board control in the form of Dungeon Geists, Soul Seizer and Rebuke; and for the fun of it I suppose a couple of Divine Deflections could do as well.
As the bane of all decks is running out of fuel we'll throw in a playset of Amass the Components to keep our tank full.
So now we have beats, board control and refilling our tank covered, what now? Well, I'd say since a majority of our creatures have flying, a few Favorable Winds might do nicely. Its not as good as the Captain but as the old saying goes, two anthem effects are better than one. Not to mention that the Captain is less likely to stick, being a creature and all, so it can fill in in his absence.
Seeing as how this deck isn't exactly laden with creatures, I figured Midnight Haunting could serve us when we have no creatures to speak of.
Put it all together and we have something that looks like this:
Creatures: 19
4 x Drogskol Captain
3 x Dungeon Geists
2 x Geist of Saint Traft
4 x Mindshrieker
2 x Soul Seizer
4 x Spectral Rider
Enchantments: 3
3 x Favorable Winds
Instants: 10
2 x Divine Deflection
4 x Midnight Haunting
4 x Rebuke
Sorcery: 4
4 x Amass the Components
+ 24 Land
In our mana base, we have another obvious inclusion in the form of Cavern of Souls, and Moorland Haunt allows us to use our graveyard as a resource.
You're probably wondering why Angel of Flight Alabaster isn't on this list, as she would allow us to make better use of our graveyard than Moorland Haunt; so to answer your question, the only reason she wasn't included is that I was trying to keep it to a strict spirit build.
This concludes our look at the W/U Spirits next up is the U/B Zombie tribe. If you have any suggestions or secret tech, please leave a comment!
Thank you for reading, until next time.
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