But by far the Timmy-est card spoiled so far is Gisela, Blade of Goldnight.
This card alone, I must admit, has awakened my inner Timmy, and much like Sigarda, Host of Herons, I find myself compelled to make a deck with her.

Lets start to break down some of the stupid things you could do with Gisela, shall we? For one thing, your going to want to
Talking about a savage beating, Gisela with her abilities basically reads as a flying 10/10 with first strike, so much like the old ball game, three strikes and your out; and thats without help from the aforementioned Savage Beating or cards like Inquisitor's Flail. Ouch!
Of course, no card is perfect and sadly Gisela's one drawback is her mana cost and without access to green for the mana ramp, we must use less reliable methods to get the 7cc required to cast her. Though, this doesn't mean its impossible to cast her early since with cards like Sol Ring and Thran Dynamo you can cast Gisela as early as your third turn. Who needs green now, right?
So, I hope all you Timmys out there are excited about AVR. I know I am.
Next up is Bruna, Light of Alabaster. =)
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